Saturday, 30 July 2011

Broken Promises

Welll....there we go again, breaking a promise to myself - "Promised that I would be religious on my blog"

So here I am with a backlog of 5 days of posts to be fulfilled in one strong burst of verbage...

I wonder which is more criminal a broken promise to yourself or all those which are littered across the countryside made at various tight corners of your life... goes to show that a woman who sticks through her promise to others would be solid gold on self made commitments.

Anyway I am degressing...

I wanted to take a strong view on the educational purpose of our syllabus and when are we going to get rid of all the non relevant stories and talk about current issues which can provide relevant application to the students and develop them towards being a more responsible citizen.

I will be going into details on a clean week - starting Monday

Till then - Enjoy the weekend...

Monday, 25 July 2011

The genetic pool of information in the future

A random statement on one of my many loitering on the net brought a very important question to my mind. Everybody knows about gene pool and genetic diversity… to the uninitiated (I also belong to this sub-breed for the most part) the dictionary states that “A large gene pool indicates extensive genetic diversity, which is associated with robust populations that can survive bouts of intense selection. Meanwhile, low genetic diversity (see inbreeding and population bottlenecks) can cause reduced biological fitness and an increased chance of extinction”
You will be wondering where is this going – well all this simply put means that when you dip into the same pool time and again you tend to narrow the gene pool and the species are more prone to an opportunistic disease that can wipe them out, while those with a more diverse gene pool can withstand such a disease and survive.
Now if one carries forward the same hypothesis to the information being uploaded, downloading, modified etc on the net, we should ask ourselves are we narrowing down the gene pool (read information) by dipping time and again into the same information set-up modifying, analyzing and retrieving without any outside checks. Are we not isolating ourselves truly, as the dependence on the net for information becomes the basis of all new hypotheses?
Note : Search is still one of the top 10 activities people do online. And this applies to journalists too – 98% say they start a story with a Google search looking for ideas, background, experts and sources.
I am opening this point for discussion and will come back to it as and when I can clarify or add to this thought…

Saturday, 23 July 2011

The uneven road

Why.. why... (and i am asking this question to all mankind belonging to the Indian sub continent) can we never ever make up our minds....
Take the roads of any city as an example - be it a main thoroughfare, cross road, lane or society road it all has to go through cosmetic changes with the end result being worse than a pockmarked fish on a Goa beach.. (do not ask the context, it just sounds good!!!)

We need a wider road... we need a bisection.... we need piping to go through... we dont like this lets break it... ohmygod it rained and got washed away....we need...we need...
the true question is do we really need, and can we not list down all our needs and then like a to do list take it one at a time starting from inside out... is it too much to ask... we do it at work, in our personal life(the pants come before the undies unless you are superman then no rule applies) then why do we have a road (read mind) block here...

And just to ice this blog post up i am going to upload some pics of the roads which have been under perpetual harassment.... invite all you like minded road ragers to also up their pics / links whatever....

PS : all this because they (who are these god like people "THEY") have dug up our society road edge and my parking is all disturbed...

Friday, 22 July 2011

The First Verbage

Well, it has been another pat on the back.... I have atlast got my blog up and running.. now i need a few happenings and a few friends and maybe i will look for excitement and strife to make my blog post that much more intersting. this is know as reverse reasoning - to live to eat or to eat to live....