Saturday, 23 July 2011

The uneven road

Why.. why... (and i am asking this question to all mankind belonging to the Indian sub continent) can we never ever make up our minds....
Take the roads of any city as an example - be it a main thoroughfare, cross road, lane or society road it all has to go through cosmetic changes with the end result being worse than a pockmarked fish on a Goa beach.. (do not ask the context, it just sounds good!!!)

We need a wider road... we need a bisection.... we need piping to go through... we dont like this lets break it... ohmygod it rained and got washed away....we need...we need...
the true question is do we really need, and can we not list down all our needs and then like a to do list take it one at a time starting from inside out... is it too much to ask... we do it at work, in our personal life(the pants come before the undies unless you are superman then no rule applies) then why do we have a road (read mind) block here...

And just to ice this blog post up i am going to upload some pics of the roads which have been under perpetual harassment.... invite all you like minded road ragers to also up their pics / links whatever....

PS : all this because they (who are these god like people "THEY") have dug up our society road edge and my parking is all disturbed...

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